After a long awaited, Yamaha finally opened bookings for motor sport teranyarnya, new Byson will launch later this bike after Lebaran."Prices have not dropped out, the plan next week in-release by the marketing department. The range in number of Rp 19.8 million to Rp 20 million," he added.
But what about the price tag of a certain model for a motor of this street fighter? Asked about it, Deputy GM Motorsport Promotion and PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia, Paul S Firmanto Byson said that if prices were calculated.
Yet despite carrying the same platform, in Byson systems still use carburetors instead of injection such as those in the V-Ixion. Looking at its price range, banderole Byson feels a little different with the V-xion currently disposed of at a price of Rp 20.5 million.
Then a second later whether this product will actually kill each other on the market?
"Basic engine it's V-Ixion, but different features. Segment is different, (Byson) motor sport is for users who still like to crank-kutik kutak. So easy to modify," Blogger Panawuan
But what about the price tag of a certain model for a motor of this street fighter? Asked about it, Deputy GM Motorsport Promotion and PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia, Paul S Firmanto Byson said that if prices were calculated.
Yet despite carrying the same platform, in Byson systems still use carburetors instead of injection such as those in the V-Ixion. Looking at its price range, banderole Byson feels a little different with the V-xion currently disposed of at a price of Rp 20.5 million.
Then a second later whether this product will actually kill each other on the market?
"Basic engine it's V-Ixion, but different features. Segment is different, (Byson) motor sport is for users who still like to crank-kutik kutak. So easy to modify," Blogger Panawuan
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