Mulan Jameela Hamil, Dhani Diam Membisu

Setelah pemberitaan terbaru tentang mulan jameela hamil yang heboh bahkan sampai mengalahkan kehebohan berita zainudin mz Ahmad Dhani yang diberitakan menghamili Mulan diam seribu bahasa. Sayang, bos Republik Cinta Manajemen ini belum mau menanggapi gosip panas mulan jameela hamil tersebut.

Setelah tampil di sebuah acara di Studio Penta, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Rabu (20/10/2010) sore, Dhani langsung berjalan dengan cepat meninggalkan kerumunan wartawan. Dhani yang saat itu menggunakan baju hitam langsung masuk ke dalam mobil Alphard Hitam bernopol B 1 RCR.

Sejak sepekan terakhir, muncul rumor Mulan tengah hamil. Nama Dhani disebut-sebut sebagai pelakunya. Sebenarnya, gosip ini tak terlalu mengherankan. Pasalnya, Dhani dan Mulan sudah sejak beberapa tahun lalu diisukan menikah siri.

Mulan katanya merupakan pihak ketiga dalam perceraian Dhani dengan Maia Estianty. kabarnya, Mulan yang lagi hamil dan Dhani diam-diam sudah menikah siri di Surabaya. Namun hingga kini, kabar itu masih sebatas gosip. Belum terbukti kebenarannya.

Australian MotoGP Lorenzo Acknowledge Greatness Stoner in Cage

2010 apple champion, Jorge Lorenzo, Casey Stoner had to accept balance in the Phillip Island circuit, the Australian MotoGP. Lorenzo absent bound in the Free Practice affair II and qualifications.

In the endure affair is called, Lorenzo incised just 1 minute 30.775 seconds. Make it just sits in additional abode alpha in the chase that begins Sunday, October 17, 2010.

Conversely Stoner unbeatable. Best three years in a row at Phillip Island was eventually won pole position with a time of 1 minute 30.107 seconds.

"I wish to grab pole position today. But the acclimate and Casey chock-full me," Lorenzo said as quoted by Crash the Net, Saturday, October 16, 2010.

"He's actual fast here. We just recorded the additional best time, but for me it's not a problem."

Although accept defeat from Stoner, Lorenzo anon actual errors to advance by his team. Post-qualifying affair with Lorenzo's Yamaha aggregation meeting.

"We should be able to acquisition the added tenth of a additional time again. But annihilation can appear tomorrow," said aggregation administrator Wilco Zeelenberg

Video Penyelamatan Penambang Chile dan Foto

Video Penyelamatan Penambang Chile seruDetik-detik Penyelamatan 33 penambang yang dua bulan terjebak di dalam terowongan penambangan di Copiapo, San Jose, berjalan mulus. dalam foto dan video penyelamatan penambang di negara Chile terlihat Seluruh penambang berhasil diangkat dengan selamat dalam operasi penyelamatan selama 22 jam 30 menit itu. Padahal target semula selama 2 hari.

Menurut Informasi Penambang chile terakhir yang diangkat adalah Luis Urzua (54). Luis Urzua berhasil sampai ke permukaan sekitar pukul 08.00 WIB, Kamis (14/10) atau Rabu pukul 22.00 waktu setempat. Pria ini merupakan pemimpin para penambang di San Jose.

Video Penyelamatan Penambang Chile

Presiden Cile Sebastian Pinera sangat terharu saat menyambut penambang terakhir itu yang muncul ke permukaan dengan kondisi selamat dan sehat.
Saya adalah presiden yang bangga dengan rakyat saya," kata Presiden Chile, Sebastian Pinera. Sepanjang hari itu, ia selalu berbicara tentang kebanggaan dan rasa syukur setelah keberhasilan penyelamatan 33 penambang yang selama 69 hari terperangkap.
Pada konferensi pers hanya beberapa menit setelah keberhasilan misi penyelamatan, Pinera mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penambang untuk menampilkan "kebersamaan, solidaritas, kerjasama, dan iman tak tergoyahkan".

seorang Mandor pemanbang chile Luis Urzua, 54 tahun, adalah penambang terakhir yang mencapai permukaan, dan menjadi klimaks dari sebuah misi penyelamatan yang menarik perhatian dunia. "Saya berharap hal ini tidak pernah terjadi lagi. Terima kasih pada rakyat Chile untuk penyelamatan kami. Saya bangga hidup di negeri ini.dengan lifestyle tinggi dia berkata"

Foto Gerbong Kereta Api Terbakar Di Stasiun Rangkasbitung

Setelah kemarin terjadi kecelakaan kereta api, PT Kereta Api Indonesia kembali meregu akibat Peristiwa Terbaru Gerbong Kereta Api terbakar, kejadian ini terjadi di Stasiun Rangkasbitung Jakarta-Tangerang, tepatnya di RW 01 Kelurahan Pejagalan, Kecamatan Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, atau berbatasan dengan Kelurahan Pekojan, Kecamatan Tambora, ludes terbakar. Kebakaran kereta api dan gerbong nya diduga akibat korsleting listrik dari WC umum milik warga bernama Gunawan alias Busong (42) dan merambat ke bangunan semipermanen lainnya yang rata-rata terbuat dari tripleks dan seng.

Foto Kereta Api Terbakar :

Pas kejadian Sebanyak 23 unit mobil pemadam dari Sudin Pemadam Kebakaran dan Penanggulangan Bencana (Damkar dan PB) Jakarta Barat dan Jakarta Utara pun diterjunkan ke lokasi untuk memadamkan api.

"Banyak barang elektronik yang juga ikut terbakar. Sebagian korban juga melapor kehilangan uang simpanan," katanya.

Salah satu korban kebakaran gerbong tersebut Lukman menuturkan api yang melalap tempat tinggalnya sangat cepat. Saat itu ia hendak berjualan mi dan tidak sempat menyelamatkan sejumlah barang-barang berharga miliknya.

"Terbakar semua, Mas. Tabungan saya yang ada di dalam lemari ludes," sesalnya.

Untuk membantu korban kebakaran kereta api , PMI dan Sudin Sosial Jakarta Utara telah mendata jumlah korban. "Kami akan bangun posko bantuan. Untuk sementara, kami menyediakan sekitar 500 nasi kotak dan akan berkoordinasi dengan Sudin Sosial Jakarta Utara," tandas Joko Wahyono, sukarelawan PMI Jakarta Utara.

Pihak Kepolisian Resor Lebak, Banten, hingga Selasa (12/10) siang, masih memeriksa beberapa saksi yang diduga melihat kejadian terbakarnya 24 gerbong kereta api di Stasiun Rangkasbitung.

Skandal Terlarang Zainuddin Mz Dan Aida Saskia

Skandal Terlarang Zainuddin Mz Dan Aida SaskiaKH Zainuddin MZ Dai acclaimed account blunder sideways. Dai who aswell is accused politicians accept a appropriate accord with dangdut accompanist called Aida Saskia (read : Hubungan Terlarang Zainuddin Mz Dan Aida Saskia ).

Gossip relations al of a sudden al of a sudden awash discussed in a amount of online media and media cetat. Until Friday (8 / 10), rumors connected to advance the relationship.

Aida has aboveboard captivated a account appointment on Thursday (7 / 10), absolute its accord with the advisers who had anchored in the United Development Party (PPP) and Reform Star Party (PBR) this.

"Never break in one allowance but that happens so he asked afresh the same. It happened afterwards our year of introduction. I aboriginal met during my 16 years of age. Genesis in one allowance if the age of 17 years, about 2002," said Aida at columnist appointment in Restaurants Hayam Wuruk, South Jakarta.

No acceptance is acquired anon from Zainuddin and his abutting ancestors associated acceptance Aida accompanist aforetime accepted as the village.

Zainuddin's abode in South Jakarta numbers looked deserted. He reportedly was out of town. But the abettor who was in the abode accepted to not mengeyahui breadth the employer is located.

A citizen called Endii pleaded not accept the rumors that hit Zainuddin. "There may be a affectionate of awareness gluttonous than the changeable (Aida) is," said Endin.

Evidence Photos

Aida claimed to accept able affirmation accompanying to its accord with Zainuddin anatomy of a amount of photographs. Aida claims accompanying to Zainuddin for nine years. Accord "special" is active calmly but after these acclaimed preachers accept started away.

Aida aswell said Zainuddin had done to her blue but he did not say abundant because it is affirmation that still "secret"

He could not acquaint a lot, about what they are accomplishing both in the room. What is bright is that sat, Zainuddin was affiliated and had children, while Aida is still top academy acceptance who are single.

The affirmation will it be acclimated Aida photographs he had. But he's not accommodating to accede the image.

The new photos will be appear if these preachers do not wish to accede the activity and appropriate accord they accept lived so far.

"The account is there but the video did not abide because Zainuddin MZ that humans who are abashed divideokan (recorded). Anyway, until now there has been no alertness of humans to acquaintance me" he explained.

However, a photograph-like account of man cutting cap Zainuddin and a buried adolescent woman who declared Aida circulating on several websites.

Since three years ago, Aida accepted giving the befalling to Zaimuddin to accept mistakes and apologize to all Muslims in Indonesia.

"Whether three years is not enough?" he explained. He aswell added that back the accomplished year, their accord is stretched.

Unlike the aboriginal addition and the antecedent approach, breadth they generally absorb time together, even walking arm in arm on one occasion.

"He was not ashamed. Hold easily while I wrote in the apple artery abreast my abode (the breadth of Bogor). Incidentally my abode in Bogor, deketan omku aforementioned house, his abode in the village, abutting together," said this straight-haired woman.

The woman who two years active in Jakarta, while singing and bushing the ball contest aswell said should accept the "reward" is not bad. For any aftereffect to do with it dai, namely association account and abrogating talk.

"Gossip arises not clear, absolutely wish the aforementioned hell Zainuddin MZ. He was already affiliated and adopting a family. What is bright he was searching for a big ancestors affair me. He was cutting jeans and go dancing together, he generally chock-full by the abode omku, deket home. He articulate hand, after abashment "he said plainly. (blogger Panawuan)

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- Pemenang Puteri Indonesia 2010
- Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia

Emma Watson Alone Out Of George Craig

Emma Watson Alone Out Of George Craig Emma Watson and her boyfriend, George Craig agreed to end their relationship. The accommodation triggered the abandonment of Emma to the United States fabricated her blank to axis the tears.

"Emma and George had fabricated affairs to abide long-distance relationship, but it is not possible. Emma realizes this, but he's still crying," said the antecedent who quoted Showbizspy, Thursday (30 / 9).

Earlier this month, she went to the U.S. to abide belief at Brown University. George had bidding atheism will kelangengan their relationship. George even said alone acceptable accompany with cine stars 'Harry Potter' it.

"We are abutting to anniversary other, but alone a acceptable friend. We're not dating," said George, not continued ago.

According to George, they're both actual active so can not authorize a ridge. However, George accepted she still loves stars even admitting they breach up.

"In the absolute world, would be actual nice if we were together. But it can not. I'm active with plan and so was he. He's absurd woman, but that does not beggarly I lose him as a friend," he added.

Teen brilliant who is accepted through the blur 'Harry Potter', Emma Watson was miserable. Heart of this adolescent extra is crestfallen because his adulation adventure with George Craig has to end. He could not stop complaining for her adulation adventure is.

This adolescent couple, originally planned to abide long-distance accord because of active each. However, the plan bootless and acquired the two lovebirds adulation activity had to end in the average of the road.

"It's not running. Watson knew about it, but already there are tears," said the antecedent was quoted as adage of Showbizspy, Thursday, September 30, 2010.

So far, in actuality both are still borderline about the adulation accord in which they reside it. In August, Craig said he and Watson are mutually admiring to anniversary other.

However, it seems Craig has to do with the artisan acquainted it would not run lasting. Craig declared the accord with Watson was not as lovers.

"We both reside in a actual active life. I do what I anticipate and he underwent what he was doing," said Craig.

Craig added explained the adulation amid them can be a success if they accommodated in altered situations. If Craig looks boxy to face her adulation adventure that does not run smoothly, Watson in fact not the case.

Watson acquainted so torn hearted because her adulation had run aground. He lamented the abortion of his love

PRICE Acer Aspire Z3100 & AZ5700

PRICE Acer Aspire Z3100 & AZ5700PRICE Acer Aspire Z3100 : though the amount down to position amount three of the absolute bazaar allotment of computer sales, Acer still gives best after-effects for enthusiasts PC blow screen. Acer has and accept a blow screen. The accessories are called the Acer Aspire and Acer AZ5700 Z3100.

Acer Aspire Z3100 has a 21.5 inch awning and is powered by the Athlon II 170u 2GHz, 3GB RAM, GeForce 9200 graphics, 500GB Harddrive, DVD Drive, Webcam, 802.11 b / g / n, Gigabit LAN, two congenital speakers, and HDMI achievement . PC all-in-one will be priced $ 599.

The other, Acer AZ5700 has blueprint on it, with 23-inch screen, Intel Core i5-650 3.2GHz, Intel Cartoon HD, 4GB RAM, 1TB harder drives, DVD drives, etc. like the Acer Aspire Z3100. In addition, there are Acer Blow aperture that can aerate the array of circadian aliment such as TouchMusic, TouchPhoto, TouchVideo, TouchBrowse, TouchCam, TouchMemo, TimeGadget, WeatherGadget and TouchFriends. Acer AZ5700 will be priced at a amount of $ 1099.

The aggregation wishes to top anniversary ambition lists with the amplification of its glassy and beautiful all-in-one (AIO) desktop line.

A aggregation account said its newest model, the Acer Aspire Z3100, appearance a 21.5-inch HD affectation and abreast aesthetics. Acer has aswell pumped up the achievement on its stylish, advanced Aspire AZ5700 with an automatic 23-inch HD multi-touch display.

“The breeding and accessibility of the all-in-one desktop is acceptable added accepted with consumers,” said Steve Smith, chief business administrator of customer desktops for Acer America.

“We’re admiring to action our barter added choices for this applied anatomy factor, which is ambrosial for its different alloy of appearance and avant-garde architecture. In accession to our exceptional arrangement with a 23-inch HD display, blow console and TV tuner, we aswell action a smaller, budget-friendly adaptation with a host of appearance and abounding power, ideal for abode rooms, appointment nooks and lofts,” added Smith.

Acer’s new all-in-one desktops advertise a aesthetic architecture and the acceleration bare for able multitasking, amusing networking and high-def entertainment, including the amusement of HD movies and immersive audio. Both models are advised for users who acknowledge apple-pie aesthetics and wish a PC that will annihilate ataxia and aerate bound desktop absolute estate.

Acer Aspire AZ3100, whose capital appearance cover amplitude maximizing adequacy and high-definition multi-media display, will advertise for $599. Customers who adopt Acer Aspire AZ5700’s arresting architecture and automatic ball affection can accept their heart’s admiration at $1099.